Welcome to Module 4 of our CPD-accredited training program, Building Resilience in Palliative Care Providers. The overall course focuses on empowering all Palliative Care providers with strategies to thrive in their roles while prioritising professional well-being. Join us to enhance patient care, foster personal fulfillment, and create a supportive work environment within palliative care.

Compassion brings humanity to healthcare. It is the expression of our innate qualities of patience, generosity and kindness toward the self and the patient, yet there are often personal barriers to its expression โ€“ anger, anxiety, guilt and attachments. This module helps participants acknowledge and tackle these barriers and view compassion as a value they can consciously express throughout their practice, to alleviate burnout.


  • Dr Raksha Balbadhur (Palliative Medicine Doctor)

    Dr Raksha Balbadhur

    Palliative Medicine Doctor

    Dr Balbadhur is a dedicated palliative medicine doctor providing home-based care. She holds a Masters Degree in understanding and improving the dignity experience of SA patients from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds with advanced diseases. As a board member of PALPRAC, she is deeply involved in advancing palliative care. Notably, she's the Founder and Chairperson of VIHASA and has facilitated workshops across Southern Africa to support healthcare practitioners. A practitioner and advocate of meditation, she brings profound meaning and peace to her patients during life's most challenging moments.

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